How to Play


The goal of the game is to reach the target location on the map. You'll be given a starting location and need to navigate to the target using a series of moves.

Game Steps

  1. Look at the starting image provided and the target location.
  2. For each move:
    • Select a cardinal direction.
    • Choose a distance to move in that direction.
    • Submit your move.
  3. After each move, your new position will be updated and you will get an image of the location you have landed at.
  4. Continue making moves until you reach the target location.

Tips for Reaching the Target

  • Study the image carefully to understand the relative positions of your current location and the target.
  • Pay attention to the distance remaining from the target after each move.
  • Start with larger moves when you're far from the target, and use smaller, more precise moves as you get closer.
  • If you overshoot the target, don't worry! Just move back in the opposite direction.
  • Remember that the Earth is a sphere, so the shortest path between two points might not always be what you expect on a flat map.

Good Luck!

With practice, you'll become better at estimating distances and directions. Enjoy exploring the world map and happy navigating!